


Fukuoka Airport → (Subway Kuko Line) → Meinohama Station (Transfer JR Chikuhi Line) → Kyudai-Gakkentoshi Station → Showa Bus → ItoCampus (please get off at Kyudai Central Library bus stop or Kyudai Big Orange bus stop)

  • *Please take one of these buses below (DO NOT take No.3, No.4, No.6, No.7 bus);
  • No.1九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.2九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.5九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.8九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.9九大東ゲート(Kyudai Higashi Gate)

Shinkansen / JR train

JR Hakata Station → (Subway Kuko Line) → Meinohama Station (Transfer JR Chikuhi Line) → Kyudai-Gakkentoshi Station → Showa Bus→Ito Campus (please get off at Kyudai Central Library bus stop)

  • *Please take one of these buses below (DO NOT take No.3, No.4, No.6, No.7 bus);
  • No.1九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.2九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.5九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.8九大総合グラウンド(Kyudai Sogo Ground)
  • No.9九大東ゲート(Kyudai Higashi Gate)

Access Map

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